Session Control
This is a Page created to give a proper explanation on how to Start, Manage and End a Session in Wisconsin State Roleplay.
How do I send Session Embeds?
As briefly explained in the Commands Page you have 5 total Session Commands you can use and 3 of which you are enforced to use to Host and end a Session.
Where do I use the Session Commands?
The Session Commands are specialized to work in the Channel you put the Command in from, which is why, these Commands are strictly to be used only in the #sessions Channel.
How do I begin a Session?
Here is a step by step guide on how to begin a Session
Make an Announcement in the #staff-announcements Channel regarding which Staff could attend a soon starting Session, pinging the @Wisconsin Staff Team Role
Depending on the amount of Staff having reacted to your Announcements you now can head over to the #sessions Channel. If not enough Staff have reacted to your Announcement you may not be permitted to Host a Session at this time.
Once in the Channel, use the /session-vote Command and enter a required votes number, e.x 6, and post it. Wait for the required amount of Votes to fill up. In case the required Votes do not fill up within max. 45 minutes, skip to "How do I end a Session" Point 3.
Once the required Vote was reached, use the /session-start Command and post it, to send the SSU Embed and join up the In-Game Server.
How do I manage a Session?
Here is a quick guide on how to manage a running Session
Use the /session-boost Command in the #sessions Channel in case the In-Game Server falls in Members, min amount of Members must be 20/40, not higher.
Use the /session-full Command in the #sessions Channel when the In-Game Server is full, aka 40/40 Players.
You are not permitted to abuse the /session-boost Command and are enforced to wait at least 45 minutes after sending it, before sending it again!
How do I end a Session?
Here is a step by step guide on how to end a Session
If the In-Game Server is starting to lose a lot of Players and the boost Command is not helping, or there are not enough Staff left on to moderate and/or the Server is in pure Chaos, you are eligible to end the Session.
Make an announcement in the In-Game Server via the :m Command, e.x ":m We are shutting down our In-Game Server shortly! Thank you for participating!".
Head over to the #sessions Channel and use the /session-shutdown Command to send the SSD Embed to let everyone else know the Server is now closed.
Delete all past Embeds up to the Session Status Embed and write a sentence after the SSD Embed has been sent, e.x "Thank you for a great 5 hour Session today! :WSRP:".
Ensure that all Staff that participated in moderating the Session are off Shift in the Melonly and have left the In-Game Server before leaving.
The Staff Member who hosted the Server Shutdown should always be the last one to leave the In-Game Server.
Last updated