
Staff Commands

This Page is a dedicated Rundown of all available Commands our Staff from Wisconsin State Roleplay are permitted or enforced to use in our Discord for Moderation within our In-Game Server and Discord Server, including small explanations of what the certain Commands do.

Where do I use these Commands?

Our Server has specialized Channels for Command usage for our Staff Team, depending on what Rank you are. HR Staff use the #hr-commands Channel. Remember that certain Commands have to be used in a specific Channel other than the stated one.

The #bot-commands Channel is not to be used for any of the listed Commands down below!

What Bot should I use?

We have a variety of Bots in our Server and a lot of them can do the same things. For Commands our Staff use we explicitly use 5 Bots.

  • Wisconsin Game Management — In-Game related Commands

  • Wisconsin Utilities — Session- Staff- and In-Game related Commands

  • Astro Birb — Staff related Commands

  • Circle — Discord Moderation and Staff related Commands

  • Melonly — Melonly related Commands

It is not permitted to use any other Bot like Boomerang or Wick etc. by any Staff or Member of Wisconsin State Roleplay.

Which Commands can I use?

While most Commands are able to be used by all Staff Ranks there are certain Commands that are only permitted to be used by High Ranks or Management+.

All Commands listed below are only able to be used by HR Staff.

Discord Commands

!kick — Kick a certain Member for a valid reason from the Discord Server

!ban — Ban a certain Member for a valid reason from the Discord Server

Staff Commands

!affreq (user) — Send the Affiliation Request Embed in an Affiliation Ticket with the User who wishes to affiliate

/infraction-log — Log an Infraction of a Staff User

/infraction-get — Retrieve logged Infractions from a Staff Member

/infraction-delete — Delete a logged infraction via it's Case number

[Astro Birb] /promote — Promote a Staff Member

Session Commands

Only for Management and above

/session-vote — Send a Session Vote with a required amount of Votes

/session-start — Start a Session

/session-boost — Send a Session Boost message when the In-Game Server is low on Players

/session-full — Send a message of the In-Game Server being full (40/40)

/session-shutdown — Shutdown the In-Game Server / End the Session

Use these Commands explicitly only in the #sessions Channel!

Refer to the next Page in Line to learn about how to properly Start, manage and end a Session!

Last updated